Here's our sweet angel at three weeks old. He's changed SO much already in four short months! ... fun to go back periodically and remember/re-live some of his earlier days. We are thankful to our Lord for such an incredible miracle from His hand.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
More Fun with Mirrors ... and Other New Toys
Little HAM! ... this is how he usually greets himself in the morning. How you could have a bad day when you wake up to this?! Seriously.
"Super Saucer" that our wonderful landlord neighbors let us borrow as one more option to prevent boredom (a frightening state of being that frequently leads to yelps of distress if the 'sufferer' is not immediately held or otherwise distracted or outsmarted). I never thought I'd say this, but it turns out that a little baby can be quite a challenge to outsmart afterall. :)
Hiawatha Bike Trail
Wanting to Walk
The little doll is learning to walk ... one week shy of 4 months old. He 'begs' me to stand him up for hours on end, so I decided to start showing him how to step. The other day, I held him in the standing position, as usual, and he started stepping it out on his own. Silly boy. Freedom's just around the corner!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Playing with Lions
Still "crawling" ... that lion may think he's fast, but Caleb's got him beat, hands down!
He's learning all about his hands now and seems to be fascinated exploring different textures --- overhead toys, books, blankets, mom and dad's hands. This time we caught him petting the lion. Maybe it's his way of asking for a puppy or a little kitty-cat. Soon enough young grasshopper. First mommy and daddy need a home. :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Back to front, he's got it down ... does it immediately nearly every time we put him on his back now. Occasionally he can get flipped back over to his back ... but usually just gets 'stuck' and we are certain to hear about it ... from any room in the house. :) He's also starting to get his little behind in the air a bit more for a crawl ... and LOVES to stand up (assisted). He could spend hours 'practicing' in this position every day.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A visit to the Smith Family "Bed and Breakfast"
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bouncy Chair Tricks
Always excited to be the center of attention, this is how he shows his enthusiasm. Bummer I took it sideways ... cuz can't seem to rotate the image. You get the idea anyway.
Going nowhere fast ... he sure is determined to get somewhere ... anywhere! ... and sooner than later.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Here's our suave little guy ... practicing his charm for the ladies later down the road. :)