Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day Two with Grandma and Grandpa
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wagons and Horses
Friday, March 26, 2010
Grandma and Grandpa Arrive!
I hear Grandpa's bringing a wagon for me. Better show him I'm ready to handle it before they arrive (since Grandma thinks I'm still too little to muscle something like that, hah!)!
Look, I'm greeting Grandma with KISSES! Very special treat cuz I love her so much.
And Grandpa ... he's so much fun to play with! We're gonna have a FUN week here at the ranch!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Working on the Ranch
Figured out how to work my bouncey ball.
... And how to 'drive' this basket as Momma unpacks the groceries.
Look what I found!
Oh boy, this makes lots of noise ... GOOD!
Add this 'tool' to the mix. Endless possibilities!
I'm ready for your wagon, Grandpa!
Oh how I love my farm truck ... and all the 'noise makers' I find outside on the ranch!
More farm 'toys'.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
All in a Day's Work
Helping Daddy organize his tools.
Or play hockey ... ? I was batting this balloon around pretty well today ... just didn't catch it well on camera.
Dinner time ... come and get it. I think this is how they do it out on the range. :)
Oh ... and just for the sake of documentation, today is the day I officially climbed/fell out of my crib!!! No injuries, as you can see, but ... you can read my shirt? One day they'll learn to take me seriously ... I told Mommy I did NOT want to take a nap this afternoon. Got it? Good. Now that I'm up and running, everyone's happy.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Looking Forward to Grandma and Grandpa's Visit!
Mommy and I are getting our rooms all ready for you to come and stay!
Here's one of Mommy's attempts to create beauty with what surrounds us here ... home, home on the range.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fun with Food and my Ball Machine
... but I prefer to mix and match ...
... and make a terrible mess for Mommy! Probably get about 50% in the right spot by the end of meal time. My uncles say that's a pretty high batting average. No worries.
This is the day Daddy gave me a bath and dressed me backward while Mommy was out shopping. Crazy Daddy ... there's a poem about him by Shel Silverstein called "Backward Bill."
I sure do like this ball machine Aunt Annie gave me for Christmas! Thanks Aunt Annie.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Shelby Rose Smith
And her sister ... I sure think Morgan is sweet! These are the flowers I gave Shelby.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hard at Work
Now what on earth is chasing me around like this? Bummer Mommy didn't catch a better video of this! Take my word for it ... it was hilarious!
Daddy put my boots on to take me downstairs. Boy were these clodhoppers FUN!
Loading up my truck ... so versatile it is!
How I LOVE to eat. Definitely my parents' boy. I do most things with my right hand but I eat left. Mommy thinks that such a significant task would be done with my dominant hand, so maybe I am left-handed afterall?
I can even work my spoon now and again. So advanced. :)
Oh dear, look what I'm figuring out. You can guess where I would spend 24-7 if given the choice.
Trolling? ... OK, so maybe this isn't such a safe activity in the tub. Uncle Pete? Did someone leave you in charge?