It's a bit spotty, but give it time and we just may have a regular lawn in the back of the house.
OK, back to work. Gotta run.
Ever since we got Cody (last weekend), it seems all I can do is grunt. Seriously, Mommy needs to know that this is a normal stage of development ... anyone?
Checking the integrity of Daddy and Grandpa's fence. Hmm ... pretty good. (And think I'll get some head banging in while I'm at it.)
Here I am in my wide open spaces with my dirt and my dog. You'll notice I prefer grunting to talking out here. Mommy wonders if that is cause for concern ... ?
Hmm ... maybe I'll become a gymnast? I can picture it now ... the dismount stance, the applause ... maybe I'd better practice a bit now while it's on my mind. :)
I want, I want, I want (whine, whine) another snack, Mommy. This is how I let Mommy know that I am bored (yes, I am an emotional eater) and that I want to go outside ... after another snack, of course.
Did I mention that I really like these rainy days? Did I mention how much I like to play outside?
Mommy thinks it's funny that no one has to teach this stuff to boys.
Still getting the hang of this stick / dog thing.
Check out my Tonka tricks after a rainy, muddy morning! Whooaaaaa ...
Here's my new dog, Cody.
Just getting the hang of this 'I throw the stick, you fetch it' routine.
Practice makes perfect. I think I'm starting to like the guy (jury's still out for Mommy!).
Let's see if I can make some mud in this rig. Yeah, everything is more fun when mud is involved.
I even roped Mommy into a good 30 minutes of participation in my water dumping truck trick. I can still 'win her over' with the fussy whiny show. Good thing to keep in the back pocket to call upon when needed! ;)
OK, Mommy says it's time for pajamas and bedtime now. Good night.