Day of rest? ... OK, not quite. After two weekends in a row of working OT, Daddy had a weekend "off" to manage a
work day on Saturday then a
work afternoon Sunday after church. Uuugh. Here I am as Daddy's right hand man. Mommy says no free loaders in this family. Get to work boy!
Helping Daddy mow ...
... and troubleshoot when we have a break down.
Cody, he's such a good dog.
This is how I like to re-pay him for being man's best friend.
Oh yeah, Daddy is impressed that I have the proper foot placement when I start the mower. Helps that I've had Annie's mower to practice on for a solid month now.
Helping Mommy weed ...
Helping Mommy water.
Sheezsh, all this work can make a guy thirsty! Can you see some green in the background? These are hints of a positive result from all our back-breaking work. Uuugh. Hoping it's pasture, not weeds. Time will tell.
Clean up time in the mud room. Uuuugh, says Mommy! I always like to throw in an extra challenge to keep Mommy on her toes. No rest for the weary.
And that's a wrap! Mommy's ready for a break!